When you’re injured on the job, you reserve the right to pursue compensation. A Workers’ Comp lawyer in Powhatan county can help.
Injured workers can be entitled to disability benefits, reimbursement for medical expenses, and more. A Powhatan County Workers’ Comp lawyer can help ensure your rights are upheld.
Common Workplace Injuries in Powhatan County
Suffering an injury at work could be more common than most people realize. If you’ve sustained an injury at work in Powhatan County, then you’re surely familiar with the worries about how you’ll pay for medical treatment and how you’ll support yourself and your family while you’re away from work.
Workplace injuries can range from mild, to severe, to fatal. Some, such as a broken bone, are able to recover with time. Others, such as traumatic brain injury, could leave you permanently unable to work. Sadly, on other occasions, a family could lose their main source of income when their loved one dies while performing a job-related function.
For that reason, a wide variety of benefits are available to workplace accident victims and their families. Among these include:
- Lifetime medical benefits
- Temporary total disability
- Temporary partial disability
- Permanent partial disability
- Death benefits
- And others, including vocational rehabilitation
Regardless of the type of accident you suffer and/or the benefits for which you apply, it will be necessary to establish that the injury resulted at work, as the result of work function, and was a sudden—not gradual—injury.
Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim in Powhatan County
Some basic steps will need to be taken after your injury in order to increase your chances of being awarded Workers’ Compensation benefits. For starters, notifying your supervisor or employer as soon as possible is advisable.
Technically speaking, the deadline to do so is thirty days from the date of your accident. Failure to do so within the established time period could result in you losing your ability to recover compensation benefits.
Before sending off your official claim form, you’ll also need to make sure that the claims you’re making in the form are well substantiated by the evidence. Sadly, many Workers’ Compensation insurance companies will always put the company’s bottom line ahead of the needs of accident victims.
One way to ensure that the claims in your Workers’ Compensation application are backed up by solid evidence is to take photographs of the accident site and your injuries. If possible, make sure to take pictures of fault or broken equipment at the site before you leave the premises so that evidence isn’t later covered up by your employer.
Finally, consulting a trusted doctor and a Workers’ Comp lawyer in Powhatan County can help guarantee that your injuries are on file.
Contact a Workers’ Comp Lawyer in Powhatan County
You’ve been injured at work, and you deserve compensation. At Pathfinder Injury Law, we help clients like yourself everyday get the Workers’ Compensation benefits they deserve.
Call 804-505-0633 or fill out the form below to schedule your free case overview with a Powhatan County Workers’ Comp lawyer from Pathfinder Injury Law.